ZAP vs. War…

ZAP (Zero Aggression Principle) is incompatible with WAR. This is because that while wars can be fought defensively, to do so as the only means of fighting is to invite your eventual destruction. An enemy will put on the line, only the resources he is prepared to lose. Because he is prepared to lose those resources, he is also prepared to continue the war without them. The only way to win the war is go after resources that an enemy is not prepared to lose.

ZAP is a principle for society. But in WAR, society is forfeit for the sake of direct plunder. As such, ZAP cannot be applied correctly in WAR. This is why real libertarians shun WAR. It is incompatible with our moral code. That said, if an enemy attacks, defenses must be mounted. If the conflict continues, then WAR is the ineveitable result and ZAP is suspended until society can be restored to order. At that point WAR is suspended and ZAP resumes. This is the ideal of a stateless society. States are the source of war. States plunder by default. When states wish to plunder at a larger scale, they will muster the resources of the state (Usually by plundering its own citizens) and then attack for the sake of even more plunder.In “Unintended Consequences”, Henry Bowmans actions were at first defensive. But as things progressed he and his associates had to become offensive, or “go on the WARpath” in order to keep from being completely overrun. This is the unfortunate fact of life that some would like to forget.

In order to make WAR more palletable to the masses, states try to make rules for war. Such are the Geneva Conventions. Yet every member of the Geneva Conventions that has gone to war, has violated those conventions. The US governmment is no exception to this.

The problem is that WAR already violates ZAP, so the moral code goes out the window. Next is the fact if you go to the bargaining table with something you already have (like the willingness to prescecute a WAR to your advantage), the only thing you can do is lose. There can be no rules to WAR. WAR is an interruption and exception of society, and rules. To fight a war with rules is to accept your enemies conditions for your surrender. WAR is ugly. It is suppposed to be. If not, it becomes justified by statute and glorified by religious nationalism.

In the prologue of “To Hell and Back”, the story of Audie Murphy in WWII, General Walter Bedell Smith states:

“Armies, for the most part, are made up of men drawn from simple and peaceful lives. In time of war they suddenly find themselves living under conditions of violence, requiring new rules of conduct that are in direct contrast to the conditions they lived under as civilians. They learn to accept this to perform their duties as fighting men.”

Powerful words. And true. Malcom Reynolds in Serenity hints at the transformation when Inara questions his motives…

Inara: I just want to know who I’m dealing with. I’ve seen too many versions of you to be sure.
Captain Reynolds: I start fighting a war, I guarantee you’ll see something new.

WAR changes men. They lose their moral code in order to win the battle FOR the code itself. This is why things that would be crimes in a peaceful society become accepted behavior, even if despised on a personal level, in WAR. It is the reason that WAR should be avoided and that states should also be avoided, as they are the perpetrators of WAR.

We are rapidly approaching the point of open warfare between the citizens and the states of the united States of America. The states have been conducting this war for years under the veil of rules. Lately though, they have moved to more provocative measures, like the Patriot Act, I and II, and III (in the works) and the Mililarty Commisons Act and various state laws that directly interfere with free trade, individual rights and liberty. One day soon the pro-state and anti-state citizens will be forced into civil war by the states themselves.  On that day, each of us will have to decide whether we want war as a fact of everyday life, or whether we will accept the war on the temporary suspension of ZAP to restore the rights to the people.

Also,… on that day…………..The Outlaw will ride…

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?” — Mahatma Gandhi

Bread and Circuses…

As we round up the silly season (no not Christmas, you dumkopft, election day), one has to wonder what people would do if they fully realized how, no matter what they did, they had no control over government. Their votes will be ignored and the planned, and in some cases multiple manipulated, tallies will be displayed and the band will play on. Sad. Yet the crimes have been exposed numerous times and still the sheep will be led to the polls and they will dutifully participate, wear their “I voted” buttons, display their inked thumbs, and pretend they were patriotic, or civilized or even moral. What dumb animals the people of Amerika have become.

To quote a paragraph from the The Daily Reckoning,

“The Daily Reckoning is written to underline the point that the world is funnier than you think. And the more you think about it, the funnier it gets. Close inspection reveals the ironies, contradictions, and confusions that make life interesting, but also frustrating. A rational person could do rational things all day long, but then… how boring life would be…”

Oh, they will use all manner of excuse to claim that “…my vote counts!” or “If I don’t vote, I have no right to complain!!”, or “I have to vote for the lessor evil, so that the greater good is served!!!” HAHAHahahaha…. One of my favorties.

Voting in a United States election is an act of violence against your neighbors. You should be ashamed, but you will plunder not just your neighbors, but your children and their children also. Plunder is your way of life and it makes no difference to you who the victims are, just as long as you get your share of the loot. Disgusting.

For more on NOT voting,…go here…

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men together in a society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”
– Frédéric Bastiat

And that is what we have today…a system whereby the current population is living at the expense of each other and especially their children, who will be held accountable tomorrow for the incredible debt that is being run up today.

Simple fact,…the current government budgets are unsupported by available revenue. The government borrows roughly 2 Billion dollars a DAY, to fund current operations. That is quite a bill you will hand to your children. Congrats. When the bill comes due, it wouldn’t surprise me if the children realize what has been done to them, and rise up and cut the throats of their parents. Would serve everybody right and reduce, immedeately, their burden as they struggle with the bills of the boomers.

That said, I don’t think the system will last long enough to torture your young ones. It is teetering on collapse as we speak. Many of you are long time readers and have followed the evolving crash from here and other sources. My congrats to you and my hopes that you have prepared yourself and your family as well as instructed your children how to avoid being enslaved by the other sheeple who refused to pay their bills and refused to check a government that was out of control. To those who have failed to prepare, I have no sympathy for your coming crisis. You were warned. You failed to use “due dilligence” and you failed to prepare. Too bad, so sad…

So enjoy your faux election. I intend to put on a good movie and maybe enjoy a good protest action,…

“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn